Health and Toxicity
MAGWAYEN is revered as the deity governing the seas and death. She is believed to ferry the souls of the reposed into the afterlife. Vectors, much like Magwayen, behave as carriers – spreading diseases, causing sickness, and compromising health. This section recognizes the paramount importance of identifying, monitoring, and controlling such vectors, which could become the difference between life and death. Included here are studies exploring possible alternatives to traditional bacterial stains and mosquito larvicides.
These studies fall under the Health Research and Development Agenda, with focus on research that could potentially improve lives as they propose countermeasures against disease vectors, as well as alternative materials, substances, and/or methods that have minimal effect on non-target organisms.
BASED ON: Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA)
The use of Bixa orellana extract as a substitute for safranin in Gram staining