Anne Louise B. Guadalquiver, Ma. Frea Belle P. Malacas, Melissa Iris N. Arboleda (February 18, 2002)
Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines
The study determined the anti-inflammatory activities of the crude extracts of the seagrasses Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium iseotifolium and Thalassia hemprichii on white mice using the carrageenan-induced edema method (Guevarra at al.1996). Results revealed that the crude extracts from Enhalus acoroides inhibited inflammation in white mice by 21.69%, Cymodocea rotundata by 31.9%, Syringodium iseotifolium by 2.41% and Thalassia hemprichii by 11.45%.
One-Way Analysis Of Variance at 0.05 show that the anti-inflammatory activities of the seagrass extracts on white mice do not differ significantly, species wise.