Blessing Dilla Jienaro Carlo Marfil April Joy Monsale (March 2005)
Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines
This study aimed to determine the rate of disease occurrence, and fruit quality of carabao mango fruits as affected by the different physiological status and postharvest treatments. It specifically determined the disease occurrence, and fruit quality of carabao mango fruits when treated with hot water and Zonrox after harvest. It further determined the disease occurrence, and fruit quality of carabao mango fruits at 0% flushing, 20%-50% flushing, and 75%-90% flushing as physiological status.
The independent variables in this study are the different physiological status (0% flushing, 25-50% flushing, and 75-90% flushing) and the different postharvest treatments (hot water treatment, Zonrox Dip, including the control). The dependent variables are the disease occurrence, and fruit quality of mangoes.
The researchers found that mangoes exposed to treatments lessens the occurrence of anthracnose, scabs, and stem and rot. The least occurrence of disease was observed with fruits that undergone Zonrox Dip, due to the chemicals present in Zonrox. Zonrox is a detergent mix solution, which disinfects mangoes. The same pattern was observed among the fruits in the much lesser concentration of chemicals, i.e.. in the Hot Water Treatment setup and the greatest occurrence of anthracnose, scab, and stem- end rot was observed in the control setup.
The researchers further found out that mangoes induced with chemicals, specifically KNO lessens the occurrence of anthracnose, scabs, and stem-end rot. The least occurrence of disease was observed with fruits with 71-90% flushing, due to the chemicals induced. The same pattern was observed among the fruits in the much lesser concentration of chemicals, i.e.. fruits with 25-50% flushing and the greatest mean rating of occurrence of anthracnose, scab, and stem-end rot was observed among fruite with Offlushing.
Subjected to chemicals, specifically KNO3, mango fruits have the highest mean rating of fruit quality. The highest mean rating of fruit quality of mango fruits was observed in the experimental mangoes that were treated with Zonrow Dip.
Inducing KND, improved the fruit quality and resistance to the occurrence of the anthracnose and diplodia stem-end rot of carabao mango fruits. The researchers noted that flower induction may speed up the ripening of the mango fruits. It is best for mange growers to subject their trees to 75-90% flushing rather than 25-50% flushing because mango fruits that was subjected to 25-50% flushing yielded the lowest mean rating of fruit quality and lowest mean rating of the resistance to diseases.
Mango fruits subjected to treatments improved the fruit quality and resistance to anthracnose and diplodia stem-end rot of carabao mango fruits. However, when you bathe the carabao mango fruits with hot water, the fruit’s resistance to anthracnose and diplodia stem-end rot will increase but it lowered the mean rating of fruit quality of fruit quality and it sped up the ripening of the fruits. But if mango growers would subject tha carabao mango fruits to Zonrox dip, it wuold increase the resistance to anthracnose and diplodia stem-end rot and still produce the highest mean rating of fruit quality of carabao mango fruits and not affect the rate of ripening of the fruits.