Truman Vincent M. Lim, Evan Vidal B. Sagge, Fredeliz Irene Rowena S. Tampo (February 2000)

Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines


The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of an alternative toothpaste produced using calcined bagongon (Telescopium telescopium) shells as raw material. Specifically, it sought to compare the quality of the alternative toothpaste with commercial toothpaste in terms of (a) strengthening property and (b) antimicrobial property. It also sought to compare the economical value of the alternative toothpaste to commercial toothpaste. It was hypothesized that there exists no significant difference as to the economical value of the product and that of the leading commercial brand. The alternative toothpaste was prepared using alternative methods. The formulation of the product was the independent variable of the study. Its practical effect (antimicrobial effects, strengthening property, etc.) and its economical value were considered as the dependent variables of the study. The test for the effectiveness of the toothpaste was done in four parts: the physico-chemical analysis, the vinegar test, and the test for the antimicrobial property. The mean was used as tool for descriptive statistics. For inferential statistics. the One-Way ANOVA and the Scheffe post hoc test for multiple comparisons were used. Both were set at a 5% alpha level of significance.

The results of the study showed that good alternative toothpaste was produced using calcined bagongon (Telescopium telescopium) shells a raw material. It also showed that the quality of the alternative toothpaste in terms of strengthening property and antimicrobial effects was comparable to leading commercial brands of toothpaste. The study also proved that the alternative toothpaste was more cost effective than leading commercial brands of toothpaste.

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