Melissa Anne T. Gabriel, Tennessee Gospel R. Jajalla, Unity Q. Tabia (February 2000)
Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines
This study surveyed the fern population of Cadio, Barbaza, Antique. Specifically, it aimed to establish the fern profile of the area in terms of diversity and abundance, and to classify the collected specimens according to taxonomic characteristics. The specimen collected included roots, leaves and stems. They were then subjected to pressing. The One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), set at 0.05 alpha level of significance, was used to determine the significant differences in the diversity and abundance of the fern species in the different study sites. Results showed that there were 11 fern genera in Cadio, Barbaza, Antique. These were Adiantum, Cibotium, Christella, Drynaria, Lygodium, Nephrolepis, Onychium, Peranema, Pteris, Spaerostephanos, and Sphenomeris. There was no significant difference in the fern diversity in the four study sites in Cadiao, Barbaza, Antique. There was a total of 2253 fern specimens collected from 4 study sites in Cadiao, Barbaza, Antique. There was no significant difference in the abundance of ferns in the four study sites. Among these genus surveyed, Nephrolepis had the most number species, i.e. , N. biserrata, N. cordifolia,N. Exltata, N. hirisutula. The genera with the least number of species were Cibotium (C. barometz), Christella (C. dentata), Drynaria (D. descensa), Onychium (O. siliculosm), Peranema (P. luzonica), Sphaerostephanos (S. unitus), and Sphenomeris (S. chinensis). There were two unknown species in genera Adiantum and Lygodium.