Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines
Abramer V. Caelian, Trizza Xelyn S. Libo-on, Tess Corgette A. Rivera (March 2006)
This study aimed to determine the effect of Cogon grass as mulching agent on carrots (Daucus carota). It specially determined the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium contents, moisture content, temperature, pH and the yield of soil plots planted with carrots that are mulched with cogon grass, mulched with plastic, and unmulched.
The temperature, moisture, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents were determined before planting the seed and every fifteen days after. The period of cultivation was approximately sixty days.
One core soil sample for each soil plot was obtained and sent to the Bureau of Soils for determining the pH, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents. Moisture content was determined by pre-weighing the soil, while temperature was measured on- site. Yield was measured as the weight of marketable carrots taken per plot.
Results showed that no significant differences were observed in the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, moisture contents, temperature, pH and the yield of soil plots planted with carrots that are mulched with cogon grass, mulched with plastic, and unmulched.