Lamasan, Vennel John L., Chua, Alvin Jr. C., Macainan, John Sen G. (March 2008)
Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines
A.bilimbi is known to contain a huge amount of juice which has a high pH and very acidic. Saccharomyces has been used in wine making since ancient times due to its high metabolic activity and its tolerance of high alcohol concentrations. S. cerevisiae is a top-fermenting yeast and is usually used in producing larger-type beers. This study aimed to determine the significant difference between the qualities of A. Bilimbi wine treated with S. cerevisiae and S. uvarum in terms of pH, alcohol content, specific gravity, total titratable acids, and market appeal. The wine was fermented using the still-fermentation process.
In terms of pH, S.cerevisiae with 3.91 has a higher pH as compared to S.uvarum with 3.78, but the statistical analysis showed no significant difference in terms of specific gravity S. uvarum with 0.9953 showed a higher mean as compared to S.cerevisiae with 0.9951, but statistical analysis showed no significant difference. In terms of alcohol content S. cerevisiae with 3.33% has a higher mean as compared to S. uvarum with 3.2%, but statistical analysis showed no significant difference. In terms of titratable acid S. cerevisiae with 0.533 has a higher mean of titratable acid as compared to S. uvarum with 0.699 and has shown a significant difference.
The market appeal showed that the coconut wine is significantly better in terms of taste, aroma, texture, aftertaste, overall taste, and appearance than the Averrhoa bilimbi wines while S. cerevisiae is significantly better in terms of appearance, aroma, texture and aftertaste than that of S. uvarum.
These results lead the researchers to conclude that the quality of A.bilimbi wine produced by two fermentors were not significantly different and are not an alternative to the coconut wine already in the market.