Raphael Eric C. Yturralde, Gabriel Angelo H. Celebria, Bryan B. Atas (March 2007)
Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring, non-nutritive chemicals found or produced in plants. Phytochemicals can act as natural defense system for our bodies. They help strengthen our immune system and reduce the effects of aging.
The presence of the phytochemicals in the leaves of selected fern species could imply that fern leaves may have a potential medicinal value.
The study tested ten selected fern species from Iloilo for the presence of phytochemicals. It was specifically aimed to determine if alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins from the fronds or leaves of ten ferns, A. musifolium, A. nidus, D. solida, D. quercifolia, N. bisserata, N. exaltata, N. hirsutula, M. heterocarpum, M. punctatum ‘Grandiceps’, and P. aureum..
The plant specimens that were collected underwent ethanol extraction. After which, the extracts were used for alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid and tannin screening.
Among the ten different species of fern collected, results show that all contain phytochemicals and only three fern species lack at most one phytochemical.
All the fern leaf samples contain alkaloids and tannins. The Davallia solida leaves do not contain flavonoids, and only the leaves A. musifolium and N. bisserata does not contain saponins.