Jude Anly Tugbang Chin, Niro Rote Niniano, John Ronan Alvarez Raba ( March 1998 )
Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines
The researchers conducted a research tostudy the effects of different Agricultural Pesticides namely Applaud, Benlate, Attack and its different concentrations on the mortality rate of milkfish larvae and know the LC50 of each pesticides under laboratory 24 hours.
It was found out that the LC50 of Applaud is 0.01, and Benlate and attack is 0.33%.
The most harmful based on percent mortality is Benlate followed by Attack then by Applaud