Ma. Ayanne B. Aborka, Dana Angelu C. Pongan, June Elle E. Tañedo (March 2011)
Philippine Science High School Western Visayas Campus – Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PSHS WVC), Brgy. Bito-on, Jaro, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines
Floodwater carries materials, like sediments, which pose a significant threat to the marine ecosystem around the world. This study aimed to gather baseline information on the fish gill histopathology of Secutor insidiator and the water quality of the Bito-on, Jaro-Mouth of Iloilo Flood Control. Total suspended solids, salinity, water temperature and pH of the water were measured. There were 3 sampling areas with 3 replicates. Five-hundred mL water samples were collected and were placed in empty distilled water bottles. The gill histopathology was described. There were 5 samples of fish in which 5 replicates of the fishes were used for gill histopathology tests. The amount of total suspended solid in the water is from 0.0402g to 0.0744g. The salinity of the water ranged from 25ppm to 28ppm. The pH levels ranged from 7.83 to 7.93. The water has temperature that range from 28.6 degrees Celsius to 29.1 degrees Celsius. Salinity and TSS levels were below the normal range but pH and temperature of the water were normal. The most common gill abnormality is the clumping of the cells or hyperplasia in the secondary lamellae. Thickening of primary lamellae, swelling of gill arch, curling and thickening of secondary lamellae were also observed. The present study has shown that Secutor insidiator exhibit gill lesions even before the implementation of the Iloilo Flood Control Project. Water quality is not the only factor that could affect fish gills. Further studies are needed to establish what specifically caused the gill lesions aside. Factors like ammonia, nitrite, dissolved oxygen and other pollutants should be further investigated.
Keywords: gill histopathology, Secutor insidiator, Iloilo flood control project, water quality, stress